Wednesday! How is Everyone doing?

Laureen S.
on 10/9/12 8:20 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning PA Friends,

Seems like Facebook has taken a lot of the fire from what was once a very supportive and active forum.  While I am on Facebook, I don't necessarily have the time to keep up with all of it and so this forum is one where I can come for the specifics of my WLS journey and information.  It is where I got a lot of firsthand knowledge from people traveling the same path.  I also just don't want 300+ people on my Facebook friends list, too much to manage. . .  anyway, today is the mid-point of my workweek and I have a job waiting that I spent most of yesterday doing and will fini**** up sometime this morning. . . noon-time AA meeting and after work I will see Tony, as he is going to Florida with his grandson and daughter, Disney, so I won't see him for the next two weekends.  Today is my oldest grandson's birthday (Dylan), he turns 11, his birthday is always a reminder of the ying and yang of life, as on the day he was born, my Mom had a stroke and died 3 days later, so it always conjures up mixed emotions for me.

I am not feeling great today and have a funny feeling my body is fighting off something as it appears I have been around some people who've gotten sick lately. . . hopefully, the bug does not overtake me, as I have a medical test for Friday that I need to begin prepping for tomorrow and I'm not sure they will do it if I am sick. . . oh well. . .

Hoping Jacki's surgery goes well and that she is back reporting on her Loser's Bench progress soon.

Best wishes for all and positive thoughts for any facing serious life challenges.


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/9/12 9:53 pm
Good Morning Laureen and PA!!

I apologize that I might have been one of those "sick" people that you were around. I got a cold/virus from all of the stress of the last two weeks. I have been on decongestant, afrin nose spray, LOTS of fluids and trying to rest as much as possible. I will be going back to work tomorrow after a week off, but I am feeling much better! Still have a bit of a cough and runny nose but I don't feel as tired as I did!

I have realized over the past couple of days that I am at peace with my mom's passing. She was not the woman I remember and it was TORTURE watching her fade away! I know she is in a better place now. I also realized that I have WONDERFUL friends, many of them I have met through this board and my journey. Just know that you helped tremendously in getting me through this difficult time!!!

Have a GREAT Wednesday!!

Love, Beth">">>

Laureen S.
on 10/9/12 11:19 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Your friends will continue to help you, because what I can share as someone who lost their Mom 11 years ago this coming Saturday, even though our minds know they are in a better place, there will be times when, out of no where, you will just miss your Mom. . .  but perhaps given all that happened in the recent years, you've experienced much of that already. . .  wishing you peace and just know I am one of several people who will be here to support you. . .

As for the sickness, you had no idea and Tony came to visit me on Sunday in spite of the fact that he was sick. . .  oh and one of the gals here in the office called out today. . .  tis the season of germs. . . and unfortunately, before you show symptoms, you are already contagious. . .   so hopefully, I can fight it off, if not, oh well. . .

Do something nice for yourself today. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Patricia R.
on 10/10/12 12:39 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Laureen and PA,
Late again.  My life has been chaotically busy, between doctors' visits, talking to my sponsee, and doing volunteer work.  I get on my laptop in the morning for a few minutes, and then don't sit near it till later in the evening.

I've been dealing with a sinus infection and earache for almost a week now.  Problem is, I have been on an antibiotic since Monday.  The sinus symptoms aren't improving, and the ear is still killing me.  Argh!!!  

Then I have to listen to Mom complain about all the allergy meds I take, in addition to the antibiotics.  All I say is, I like to breath, and not have asthma attacks all the time.  Then, she asks, what did people do before all this medicing?  My answer, their longevity rate was lower, because they died from the asthma.  She refused to accept that.  Then she says she worries about my sister and me.  I understand that since we buried both my brothers at young ages, she would worry more about the two of us.I just tell her to pray for us.

Laureen, I understand the bittersweetness of your grandson's birthday and your's Mom's passing being so close.  My daughter informed me that she was pregnant with Isabel, my first grandchild, after the viewing for my baby brother.  Normally, her in-laws and she keep that a secret till the end of the first trimester, especially since she had a miscarriage four months before.  She and her hubby made the exception in the hopes of lifting everyone's spirits as we buried my brother the next day.  Preparing for Isabel's arrival helped my family get through the roughest parts of the first year.  Plus, my older son got married when Isabel was only 6 weeks old.  There was a lot of joy to celebrate.

Enjoy your grandson's birthday.  I'm sure that is what your Mom would want you to do.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Laureen S.
on 10/10/12 10:45 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Thanks Trish for your kind words and sharing about your granddaughter and brother. . .  when my daughter told me in March of 2001 that she was pregnant, my Mom was in the hospital in the beginning stages leading up to her dialysis. . .  I had a conversation with my cousin that day and said, I have this horrible feeling in my gut that Marlene will have the baby and my Mom is not going to be here. . .  sadly, I was right, but I do know she would want us all to celebrate and be happy, but I walked around in a fog that year. . .  my marriage, which should never have taken place, was crumbling, my Mom was sick and then 9-11 happened, so this time of year is a constant reminder of all the events surrounding that year of roller coasters. . . but thanks to recovery, I also know that sometimes, God sweeps away all the debris at once to make way for many new opportunities. . .  the following year, my son got engaged, I got my ex to agree to a divorce and I achieved the dream of buying my own home. . .  so out of the pain of so much, if we just hang on, we can find joy again!

Again, thanks Trish, hope you feel better soon. . .  busy is good, but take care of you too!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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